Recreation, ReUUnion, & RitUUal
Sunday, September 19, 2021
First Unitarian Church members & friends gathered at local parks for a time of fellowship & connection.
Rev. Shari Woodbury, Christina Strong, LDRE, & Carrie Helmberger, Membership Coordinator, visited each park. Everyone enjoyed games & visits with friends. If you missed this event or want to read more about the water in-gathering, please click here. Scroll down to seee the photos.
Site 1: Papillion City Park
(Lincoln and Washington Streets,
TIME: 9am to 10am
HOST: Carolyn McNamara and Kim Callaghan
Site 2: Walnut Grove Park, West Omaha
(15050 Q Street, Picnic Shelter)
TIME: 10:30am to 11:30am
HOST: Kate & Bruce Godfrey
Site 3: Elmwood Park, Central Omaha
(Elmwood Park Road, Picnic Pad #4)
TIME: 12pm to 1pm
HOST: Dave Richardson
Site 4: Narrows River Park,
Council Bluffs, Iowa
(2500 N 25th Street, Overlook Shelter)
TIME: 1:30pm to 2:30pm
HOST: Mary Kay Peters and Peg Pidgeon