Anniversary Year Celebration
On September 30, 2018, the church celebrated the Centennial of the dedication of our building which took place on September 29, 1918. The Order of Service was a replica of the original dedication service and much of the music was the same as performed in 1918. This year’s version featured “visitors” from 1918 with roles portrayed by current members. The cast included President William Howard Taft (Tim Duggan) who was present at the laying of our cornerstone; Sarah Joslyn (Deb Duggan), a prominent church leader and local philanthropist; Grace Holdrege (Kate Wiig), president of the Women's Alliance at the critical time just prior to the construction of the church; and William Baxter (Dave Richardson), president of the Board of Trustees. The congregation then rededicated the church using the same words as in 1918. The service was followed with a celebration in the common room where we toasted the past and the future of First Unitarian Church.
Photos of this event were taken by Ellen Shurson, Bob Hess, and Scott Kemper.