Our Community
Programs at First Unitarian Church deepen our spirituality and ethical philosophies while building community in addition to Sunday worship. Contact any team by clicking on the team leader's name.
See a list of upcoming events by clicking here.
Interested in creating a new event or group or activity? Click here
See our online church calendar here.
Looking for a way to get involved? Contact Melissa at coordinator@firstuuomaha.org
Group meeting schedule
3F Book Bonanza Group meets monthly to discuss a novel. Leader: Sheri Conner.
This group has met in person and on Zoom. If you're interested, contact Sheri. ​
Atheists, Humanists, Agnostics Discussion Group (AHA)
AHA (Atheists, Humanists, Agnostics) was founded over 10 years ago as the Tolerant Atheists Discussion Group (TADG). AHA gathers to exchange ideas about the belief systems of atheists, humanists and agnostics and their connection to Unitarianism and Universalism. Leader: Amanda Burton. Email aha@firstuuomaha.org
Book Club
Last Monday of the month, 7- 9pm in the Merritt Lounge or on Zoom. Meetings held every month except for July and December. Leader: Dave Richardson. Contact: Dave.
Rehearsal on Wednesdays, Sept - May, 7-8:30pm, Sunday performances on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Choir Director: William Miller.
Compassionate Communication Practice Group
This group meets the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Common Room or on Zoom. Using Compassionate Communication developed by Marshall Rosenberg, PhD, we learn to connect with ourselves and others with empathy and to act in greater harmony with our values. Learning to communicate more compassionately, like speaking a new language, takes practice. Thus we are a practice group learning together. Email Suzanne for more nvcsuz@gmail.com
CUUPS Mystic Sojourn -- Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
Celebrating Earthbound Religions through ritual, church services, meetings, book clubs, potlucks and more. Info on church FB page and in the enews. Email CUUPS@firstuuomaha.org. Book Club leader: Telia Colbert
Sharing Circles are small groups that meet at the church twice a month, September to May. Learn more here.
Youth Group/YRUU
For 8th-12th grade youth. Wednesdays, September-May. Email DRE@firstuuomha.org for more information.
Neighborhood Care (Formerly Neighborhood Ministry)
People often come to our church needing immediate short-term assistance: groceries, gas, and transportation. Our neighborhood ministry team responds to these needs by purchasing gift cards and referring them to agencies who can help. In these times, this ministry is vital to our neighborhood. Contact the church office.
Omaha Together One Community (OTOC) -- For more info, click here.
First Unitarian participates in community organizing through OTOC. OTOC is a coalition of churches across Omaha organized by the Industrial Areas Foundation. The group democratically elects three advocacy issues to work on. Members on this team attend OTOC meetings and advocate our Unitarian Universalist faith in action. For more information, visit OTOC.org
Friends of Clair
First UU is friends with Clair Memorial United Methodist Church located at 5544 Ames Ave., Omaha, NE 68104. Every month, we help fill Clair's food pantry and take part in other events as well. Click here for more information.
Youth Emergency Services (YES) Meals
Youth Emergency Services (YES) program has several components. Street Outreach, Maternity Home, and Transitional Housing. Our efforts are focused on the Street Outreach. Omaha has approximately 300 youth, aged 12-22, who are homeless each night. The Street Outreach program has physical and mental health services, food and clothing pantries available. They (and this is where we come in) provide a warm meal for 50-75 kids each weeknight. The Outreach center has no facilities for cooking, so meals must be prepared offsite and delivered. It requires 2-3 people to prepare and deliver the meal. We make and deliver a meal to YES once a month. We request donations of various items from time to time to help as many kids as possible and keep the cost to the church low. Leader: KIm Callaghan. Contact: Kim.
Ways to Get Involved
There are many opportunities to volunteer at First Unitarian. Studies show that volunteering for at least two hours a week increases your overall happiness. Volunteer, meet new people, have fun, and be happy! Click here for our updated Ways You Can Help page.
Archives Team and Library
This team maintains historical records pertaining to our building and our congregation and keeps scrapbooks of members who appear in the news. This team also organizes and maintains the church library. Leader: Linda Parker. Contact: Linda.
Baby Welcoming Team
This is a subgroup of the Caring Team to make sure families have a few meals when the baby first comes by setting up a meal train. We also make sure everyone expecting has a baby shower, which is typically a simple get-together at a restaurant for those expecting their second or third child. Leader: Sara Switzer Contact: Sara.
Beloved Community Team
This team works to build beloved community here at First Unitarian and in the larger world. Go here to learn more.
The Caring team maintains contact with and expresses concerns for ill, homebound, and bereaved members of the church. Leader: Carol Ramsey Contact: Carol
Chalice Guild
A small group who maintains some hidden, but necessary parts of the church. Bi-annually the Guild does a deep-cleaning of the kitchen: stove, refrigerator, etc. Regularly, linens are laundered. The candles in the front of the sanctuary are changed quarterly, and the brass tops are cleaned/polished. The chair of the team orders the new candles. Annual members of the guild vacuum the pews and pew racks. Leader: Kay Lynn Goldner. Contact: Kay Lynn.
The Green Team needs you! We are collecting environmentally conscious individuals in one place. Right now, we help reduce paper goods by volunteering to do dishes for events. Various leads are moving forward on green projects. They send relevant information, ask for help, and call for action through our email greenteam@firstuuomaha.org.
Finance Team
The Finance Team has a major responsibility conducting a pledge campaign each spring. They also help supervise church finances and help develop the budget to be approved at the Annual Membership Meeting each May. Contact Walt Jesteadt at
Fellowship Team
This team provides opportunities for people of all ages in the church community to interact socially and build community. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: the Holiday Dinner, Circle Suppers, the Fall Picnic/Social, Chili Cook-off and multi-generational events. Leaders: Nellie Chenoweth and Diane Withem. Contact: Nellie and Diane
This group is on hiatus and looking for new leaders. If interested, contact MTC@firstuuomaha.org.
Fundraising Team
FUNdraising Team is responsible for raising a specific amount of money each year, as specified in the annual church budget approved each May. Usually this is $15-17,000, most of which comes from the annual big Heart & Hand Auction in October. The auction has its own co-chairs and team, but is part of Fundraising. Other activities in recent years have involved selling scrip (gift) cards, running a UUnique Boutique, selling snow cones at public events, and hosting smaller parties to raise funds for the church. All requests for fundraising events go to this Team for approval and scheduling, with church groups having priority over outside causes.
House and Grounds Team
House and Grounds Team: Taking care of our historic building and our award-winning garden is a real joy. Contact the church office.

The Membership Team
The membership team helps arrange for orientation sessions and helps guide new members into channels of church activity where their talents can flourish and grow. They also supervise the membership book, the name tags, and the regular recognition of new and longtime members. Contact Melissa.
Office Team
The Office Team helps with office tasks from envelope stuffing and word processing, to computer and procedural consultations, assessing office needs and budgeting office funds. Leader: Carolyn McNamara. Contact: Carolyn.
Side with Love Team
Our faith calls us to act in solidarity, understanding that interdependence means “None of us are free until all of us are free.” Our lives and future are bound together, and together is how we move forward toward living out our faith in a just and loving world. Learn more by clicking here.
Worship Arts Team
This team provides many avenues for lay people to be involved in the church services, including serving as ushers, chalice lighters, church criers, readers, and chancel decorators. They also arrange for occasional lay-led services and for an exciting array of summer services when the minister is on vacation. Contact the team.​
Youth and Children Religious Education Team
The Religious Education Team oversees our lively Religious Education offerings including Sunday School and youth activities.​​ Contact Christina at dre@firstuuomaha.org.