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Sunday Service: Streaming Video Archives

April 10, 2016

Moments in History: “The Transient and the Permanent in Religion”

Unitarian minister Theodore Parker teased out the core of religion from all the dogma that  obfuscates it. 

Rev. Frank Rivas

April 17, 2016

Moments in History: “Converting Christianity”

Unitarian Universalist minister Rebecca Parker turned Christianity upside-down with a deeply personal understanding of the Gospel.

Rev. Frank Rivas

November 22, 2015

“Stories My Father Told Me”

Lessons learned and followed.

John Goldner, church member

May 01, 2016

“One Talk at a Time…”

Rape in America. A May Day call to our good men.

Jackie Anderegg

November 08, 2015

“The Limits of Reason”

“This sentence is false.” This sentence is also where the problems start. If true, it is false; if false, it is true.

Rev. Frank Rivas

November 29, 2015

“Highways & Byways; Oceans & Ponds”

Our traditional Water Ceremony has typically celebrated the journeys we have taken over the past year. This fall, we are expanding that view to celebrate all journeys that have touched our lives. Whether recent or in the past, whether near or far, whether ordinary or exotic, bring your stories of travel and homecoming to share with the Congregation. Featuring why Firtosmartonos, Transylvania, Romania is a special place for those in our church family who have visited our Partner Church and village.

May 15, 2016

Annual Concert

The choir will present numbers that it has sung throughout the year plus madrigals and an instrumental duet.  Of course, the prelude and postlude will be offered by organist, Pat Will. Adding special talent to the service will be members of EMR.  Please support your exceptional First U musicians.

May 22, 2016

“What Binds Us One to Another”

As we have become increasingly aware of differences within our church community, it’s time to reflect on what binds us together.   The sources of our living tradition connect us as theists, atheists, earth-centered, and none of the above.

Rev Frank Rivas 

May 29, 2016

Lemon Sermon: “Confessions of a Moderate Unitarian”

Can one really be a moderate Unitarian? Barb Ross has been a part of First Unitarian since 1953 and she will share how this church shaped her ideas on religion and the world.

Barb Ross

June 05, 2016

Flower Communion

Join Maria Wallace and Royal Carleton as we celebrate the Unitarian Universalist Tradition of Flower Communion. This is what community looks like, this vibrant jostle, stem by stem declaring the marvelous joining. This is the face of communion, the incarnation once more gracefully resurrected. You are welcomed to bring flowers that we will share with one another.

October 25, 2015

“The Fertility and Futility of Ideas”

Jan Wilson, Director of Religious Education

November 01, 2015

"Channing and Emerson"

William Ellery Channing and Ralph Waldo Emerson offered two distinct visions of Unitarianism. We’re still struggling with the same issues.

Rev. Frank Rivas

May 08, 2016

Annual Youth-Led Service

Come and participate in a youth-led service and experience what always promises to be a fun and inspiring time! We will hear from our Graduating Seniors as they bridge from youth to adulthood.  Our youth group is called YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists). For more information, please contact 

November 15, 2015

“Singing for Our Lives”

We confront racism not only for the Other, but – in concrete ways – to protect our own lives.

Rev. Frank Rivas

April 24, 2016

"Don't Let Me Get In Your Way!"

My baggage. Your baggage. My journey.  Your journey. How do they fit together?

Rev. Royal Carleton 

March 20, 2016

“Breaking the Glass”

How to we make sense of some of the losses we experience in life?  A contemporary theodicy. 

Rev. Frank Rivas

March 06, 2016

“Beloved Community”

An exploration of both our strengths and our directions for growth. This Sunday is our Stewardship Celebration Sunday. Join us in the Common Room for cake at 10:30am.

Rev. Frank Rivas

April 03, 2016

Moments in History: “A Natural Piety”

German Pietism, a religious perspective that later became known as Universalism, articulated what our polarized world needs.

Rev. Frank Rivas

February 14, 2016

“He Ain’t Heavy, Father; He’s My Brother”

On Valentine’s Day, we reach beyond romantic Hollywood images to encounter the love that transforms. 

Rev. Frank Rivas

January 31, 2016

“One and Only”

Flowers, grass, and trees. There is not just one.  Burgers, pizza, and tacos. There is not just one.  Dogs, cats, and horses. There is not just one.  Chaplain Royal will explore other "One and Onlys" that we experience and live through. 

Rev. Royal Carleton

February 21, 2016

“A Still Small Voice”

A personal encounter with Buddhism, Bible, and Empiricism.

Rev. Frank Rivas

January 10, 2016

"Sin Reconsidered"

In reconsidering sin, we touch upon broader questions, like the use of Jewish and Christian Scripture in a 21st century largely humanist faith community.This Sunday there will be a box in the narthex for the collection we did not take on Christmas Eve--an opportunity to contribute to books already purchased for the sixth grade class at Wakonda Elementary School.

Rev. Frank Rivas 

January 17, 2016

“Repentance Reconsidered”

There’s an ongoing debate about the etymology of “repent.”  If the word can be traced back to Greek, as I suspect it can, to repent is to rethink one’s life. On the weekend of Martin Luther King, Jr,  we rethink our lives.

Rev. Frank Rivas 

December 06, 2015


The recent encyclical, Laudato Si, spoke to how consumerism supports global warming. Do we want to measure our holiday by how many gifts are exchanged?

Rev. Frank Rivas 

December 13, 2015

“On the Messiness of Life”

Or, at least, on the messiness of my own life. A celebration of Hanukkah as an alternative to Christmas.

Rev. Frank Rivas 

December 27, 2015


The service will be as we shared last year, a focus about feeding one another what we are hungry for, and helping provide  what we are thirsty for. As soon as you have “eaten” (choose from traditional wafers, carrots, almonds, goldfish crackers, Worthers, or a flower) and enjoyed a “drink” (water, cran-apple juice, or wine), you will serve the next person in line, so they can be fed as well. 

Rev. Royal Carleton

January 03, 2016

"When Words Fail"

Sometimes, we talk too much, while saying far too little. Come to this experiential worship service and explore the power of no words. 

Megan Gustafson

January 24, 2016

Imam Muhammad Abutalib, of the Islamic Center of Omaha, will speak on Islam.​


February 07, 2016

“God the Problem”

The three Abrahamic faiths that inform the West share a key problem: How do we make sense of God? 

Rev. Frank Rivas

February 28, 2016

“A Light in the Darkness”

The Worship Arts Team will lead the congregation in sharing our Joys and Sorrows. 

March 13, 2016

“A Question of Life or Death”

A religious response to abolishing the death penalty and to the petition to reinstate it. 

Rev. Frank Rivas

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