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                 Streaming Video 

Important note: Streaming & Recording of Sunday Services Goes on Hiatus in 2020

Beginning in January 2020, we will no longer record or stream the Sunday service on YouTube. Church members will work with a consultant to upgrade equipment and create a manual for stream volunteers. Updates on this project will be shared on Facebook and in the enews. If you are interested in volunteering with the future Stream Team, please let the church office know. We need volunteers for streaming to continue. Thank you! 

Audio files of the services will be made available when possible. Click here to go to the audio files page

Streaming Video Archives:

December 29, 2019

"What Did You Learn?”

Kabin Thomas

As the year draws to a close, it's a good time to reflect on the past twelve months and look toward what the future year may bring. Kabin will share his greatest lessons learned in 2019 and invite members of the congregation to do the same. They'll also note how these lessons will help them (and all of us) on the journey into the new year.

December 22, 2019

"Retelling of the Holly King and Oak King"

This service will be presented by CUUPS (Covenant of UU Pagans)

This service will have a light reenactment, in the tradition, and in honor of story telling, a crucial and often overlooked component of this year's traditions.

December 08, 2019

"Stranger Share Our Fire Service"

Rev. Michelle LaGrave and Christina Strong, LDRE


Celebrate the warmth of the season in this all-ages service focused on the joy of giving. Bring to this worship service your donations for:1.) YES (Youth Emergency Services): Warm clothing items like gloves, hats, scarves, gifts for teens like ear buds, hair accessories, fast food gift cards. Gifts can be unwrapped. See the angel tree in the Common Room for ideas.2.) First Lutheran Food Pantry: non-perishable food items.3.) First U Neighborhood Care: $10 gift cards to nearby grocery stores like Hyvee, bus passes (such as the 10-rides bus pass with transfer).We encourage you to involve family members of all ages in selecting gifts for these recipients!We'll have a processional of gifts during the service. Bring your unwrapped gifts with you into the service.

December 01, 2019

“That Transcending Mystery & Wonder”

Rev. Cyndi Simpson from Second Unitarian Church

​Mystery and Wonder are the first listed authoritative sources of our living Unitarian Universalist faith. What are they for us? How do they inspire us? And how do they  relate to our monthly worship theme of AWE?

This service is part of a three-way pulpit exchange with First and Second Unitarian Churches of Omaha and the Unitarian Church in Lincoln.

November 24, 2019

​“In the Beginning... There Was Gratitude" 

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Please join us for a Thanksgiving Service.

November 17, 2019

"Wholehearted Attention: The Way of Zen" 

Guest Speaker: Dosho Port Roshi 

Zen practice is all about cultivating awareness in order to clearly see the deep truth of our ordinary life. Why is attention so important? How can attention be cultivated? What's the secret? 

November 10, 2019

“The Question: A Personal Reflection on Identity and Moving Beyond Categorical Thinking”

Guest Speaker: Gil Guerrero from the UUA Transitions Office

Gil will share some readings and his personal perspective on the experience of identity, and how our limited or shorthand understanding of identities impacts the search for our best minister.

November 03, 2019

"Is Kindness Enough?"

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

What is kindness? What, if anything, distinguishes it from being nice or courteous or polite? Can we change the world with kindness? Can we create justice with kindness? Can we make kindness a spiritual practice?  Is kindness enough?

October 27, 2019

EMR Sunday

Please join the Early Morning Risers for a special concert service featuring EMR's favorite songs from the past and present. You won't want to miss this entertaining morning of music!

October 20, 2019

"UU Theology?!?"  

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Is there such a thing as a Unitarian Universalist theology?  What about humanists and/or atheists?  How could people who don't believe in a traditional God have a theology?  What kind of framework might hold such a theologically and philosophically diverse community?

October 13, 2019

"Good Stewards of Mother Earth"

Margaret Hines, guest speaker 
Stewardship is a theological belief that humans should take care of their world. Believers represent many religions. The Lakota (Sioux) view is especially strong, very spiritual, and hopefully inspirational for the future.

About the speaker: Margaret Hines is the author of "Who Cries for Mother Earth", a novel about Lakota spirituality, culture and the Lakota view of Mother Earth and Father Sky. Margaret was born and raised in the Black Hills of South Dakota and studied with a Lakota Medicine Man for 15 years.

October 06, 2019

"Yearning to Belong"

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

What is required of me to feel a deep sense of belonging?  Must I share my whole self?  What of the broken parts?  Can I truly belong while also shunning concepts of sin, confession, forgiveness, or reconciliation?

September 29, 2019

​"Midwest Leadership School, John Denver, and the Freeing of My Soul"

​Mike McAtee, Church Member

A tale of spiritual birth and the power of community.

September 22, 2019

"From Generation to Generation: A Living Tradition"  

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

What does it mean to be the people of a living tradition, especially now that there are more generations living together than at any other point in history?  Generational cohorts inform our worldview:  how we think about work, play, technology, institutions, community, retirement, even church.  With so many generational expectations in play, expectations which so often seem to be in conflict with each other, how do we form a cohesive and vibrant community?  How do we welcome each and every generation into a dynamic, meaning-filled, purpose-filled living tradition?

September 15, 2019

"Mind the Gap"

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

"Mind the gap" is a British expression used to caution subway riders as they cross over the gap from platform to train.  Where are there gaps to be found in the life of a community?  What are the gaps between expectation and reality? belief and action? pledging and budgeting?  How do we close them? 

September 08, 2019

Water Communion and Ingathering 

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Come, refresh your spirit, and enter into the new church year with a ritual both unique and traditional to Unitarian Universalism.  Bring a small amount of water which represents the gifts you have received and wish to pass on to your community.  We will gather our waters and our blessings together in this multigenerational service.

September 01, 2019


Presenter: The Rev. Dr. Jean Heriot is a Unitarian Universalist community minister teaching and working for social justice at Hastings College.

We humans love our expectations. They help us predict what will happen next, they help us feel in control. But our expectations can also limit us. What do we expect? Could we expect more or differently? Could we live better if we expected less? We will explore the tension between needing to know (expectations) and living into hope.

August 25, 2019

“The Founding of First Unitarian Church”

This service will be the finale to our "Year of Celebrating our Heritage." It will mark the Sesquicentennial (150th anniversary) of the founding of the First Unitarian Church of Omaha on August 22, 1869. The service will honor the original signers of our Articles of Organization. We will also take a brief look at the critical roles they played not only in the founding of the church, but in the development of Omaha in its early days. One of the features of the service will be a reenactment of the signing of the Articles of Organization by members of the current congregation.

August 18, 2019

The Question Box Sermon 

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Come one, come all and bring your questions!  What would you like to ask the minister, if you could? This Sunday, if you're lucky, you'll have the chance to find out. Pick up an index card when you get your order of service, fill it out with your question (or questions) and hand it to a greeter. BIG QUESTIONS?  small questions? Fun Questions? Serious Questions? All (within appropriate bounds, of course) are welcome! Once it comes time for the sermon, a worship associate will draw questions out of a hat to ask the minister, impromptu!

August 11, 2019

"The Thing That Knowledge Can’t Eat"

Rev. Sarah Voss, Affiliated Community Minister 

Rev. Sarah Voss brings a little on ancestral healing, a bit of moral math, and some thoughts on immigration problems together in “the thing that knowledge can’t eat.”

August 04, 2019

"Good Without God"

​Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics of First Unitarian share history and perspectives.

July 28, 2019

"The 4th Principle and the 9 Muses: Searching for Truth & Meaning through Storytelling, Poetry, Music and Dance"

Unitarian Universalism makes sacred the right and responsibility to engage in a free and responsible quest for truth and meaning as an act of religious devotion. Join us as we explore through creativity and inspiration.

July 21, 2019

“The Courage to be Kind”

Ben Wallace & Friends

How does our faith call us to be kind in an atmosphere of fear and xenophobia? We will look at how we can move past our fear to create more kindness in our world, especially towards those most vulnerable in our community.

July 14, 2019

"Three Needs, Four Questions"

Brian Carpenter, VNA Hospice Chaplain

The challenges and special moments of hospice work: Chaplain Carpenter will share some of his experiences

July 07, 2019

Focusing on Mental Health

A service focusing on mental health and First Unitarian's support of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). In addition, two members will share their stories and we'll have a special candle lighting ceremony.  

June 30, 2019

PRIDE "Postlude"

As PRIDE festivities come to a close, some of our members who participated reflect on what PRIDE means to them.

June 23, 2019

Secret Kindness Agents

Ferial Pearson, Ph.D. 

Moved by the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, Ferial Pearson wondered if a simple act of kindness could change a life. She thought of the school where she taught and the students she guided every day and wondered, what would happen if we started secretly carrying out small acts of kindness in school? Could a modest act of compassion really change the course of a life? She posed the question to her students. They didn’t have the answers but they were willing to find out. So they became the Secret Kindness Agents. They not only changed the lives of those they met, they changed their own. Their hope, their hearts, and their hunger for happiness will inspire you to change your small corner of the world, in your own way, for the better.

June 16, 2019

Playing the Grateful Game

Kabin Thomas

Recognizing those miracles that surround us every second of every hour of every day.

June 09, 2019

Flower Communion

Please join us for this multi-generational celebration of a traditional Unitarian ritual.  And remember to bring a flower or two to share!

June 02, 2019

Annual Choir Concert

The Sanctuary Singers, under the direction of William Miller, invite you to attend our 2019 annual concert as we celebrate another successful choral year. The program will showcase a variety of choral works. The prelude and postlude will be offered by organist, Pat Will and the choir is accompanied by J Gawf.  We are excited to share our gifts with you and look forward to seeing you at the concert.

May 26, 2019

“Cherish the Memories, Welcome the New”

Rev. Sarah Voss

In this morning’s service we will lift up the importance of things, people, and ideas that have been important in our lives. In this morning’s sermon,  Rev. Sarah Voss will offer a cis-centric, age-enhanced reflection on intersectionality, a new idea for some of us which challenges us all.

May 19, 2019

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be held in place of the service. 

Go here for more info:

May 12, 2019

Youth Service

The youth in YRUU will present the worship service on Mother’s Day, May 12 at First Unitarian Church. We are very proud to recognize the seniors who are graduating from high school as well as the Coming of Age students who have successfully completed their Coming of Age programs. The mentors and advisors of YRUU have been instrumental in leading these fine young people.  

May 05, 2019

“Mothering God”

Rev. Michelle La Grave

Traditional religion teaches about God as the Creator of humans. This morning we'll reverse this teaching and examine some ideas about humans as the creators of God. We'll also welcome a new little one with the first child dedication of the year and begin to say goodbye to Jan Wilson, our Director of Religious Education, whose last day will be May 12th.

April 28, 2019

White Supremacy Culture Teach In 2

"White supremacy" is a provocative phrase as it conjures up images of hoods and mobs. Yet in 2019, actual "white supremacists" are not required in order to uphold white supremacist culture. Building a faith full of people who understand that key distinction is essential as we work toward a more just society in difficult political times.

April 21, 2019

“Stories of Transformation: Ostara, Passover, Easter”

Rev. Michelle La Grave

Spring has arrived. The earth has been, once again, transformed.  Passover is upon us.  Easter morning is here. Let us gather together to celebrate the power of transformation.

April 14, 2019

Henry Lemon Sermon: “What I Learned from  Anna (and Other Fictional Characters)”

Sarah Copeland

How are fictional characters different from characters in scripture – and can we learn from both? Does it matter what kind of writing accompanies you on your way through life and just what have I learned from my friends on paper?  “Letting your soul, or whatever  fancy name you like to give it, out of its cage and into the daylight is perhaps the hardest thing anyone can do.“ —Fynn, from the book, Mister God, This is Anna (written by Sydney Hopkins).

April 07, 2019

“To Boldly Go Where No UU Has Gone Before”

Rev. Michelle La Grave

Did you ever notice there's no church on Star Trek? Does the Church have a future?  If so, what might it look like? What might be its role in society? This year's auction sermon, purchased by Dave and Evy Rosser, will explore the near future of UU congregations, particularly in relation to societal mental health issues.

March 31, 2019

“Right Relations and You”

The Right Relations Committee

What are the responsibilities of members at First Unitarian Church in helping establish a Right Relations Committee? How should individual members take part in creating a climate of right relationship in this congregation?

March 24, 2019

“Oneness: Thoughts on a Humanistic Theology of Everything”

Rev. Ron Knapp, Minister Emeritus

Some of you may know that I have been trying to write a book on a theology of everything. I see oneness in life, human being, and universe and earth. This service—with thoughts, readings and music—will be present an overview of that theology.

March 17, 2019

“Hearts Broken Open”

Rev. Michelle La Grave

What happens when we are able to be vulnerable and allow another person to see the essence of who we are? These are moments in which we can choose to extend grace to one another; a human grace which is just as sacred and as holy as any form of divine grace.

March 10, 2019

“A UU Haggadah”

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Religious freedom is always a struggle, even for Unitarians and Universalists. What does it mean, exactly, to be religiously free? Does religious freedom have limits? If so, what are they? Join Rev. Michelle and the Coming of Age class as together they tell some of the stories about how our own faith has

struggled to be religiously free.

March 03, 2019

Breathing World Peace

“Breathing World Peace: Spreading the Seed of Mindfulness to Other People Is a Form of Political Activism”

Forrest Knapp

February 10, 2019

“Right Relationship”

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Relationships within our congregations must be based in trust in order to sustain strong, vital, healthy, (while still imperfect) churches. What does it mean to be in right relationship with one another? How does it work and what does it look like? Come hear about the work of the newly-formed Right Relations Committee and the proposed Covenant of Right Relations which will come before the congregation for a vote at the next Annual Meeting. 

January 27, 2019

“The Promise and the Practice”

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

What would it be like if our UU worship service centered entirely around the voices and the experiences of black Unitarian Universalists? What truths might we hear, however difficult? What might we learn? How might these black UU leaders teach us to be better allies, better siblings in faith, and even better citizens in our community?  

January 20, 2019

“Many Paths One Journey”

The spiritual journey is one of many different paths and destinations. Although we all travel our own path, we find ourselves stopping together here for awhile to rest, support and encourage each other. Join members of the Worship Arts Team as we tell the stories of our journey to this way station we call First Unitarian.

January 13, 2019

“Are You a Player?”

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Ring in the New Year with laughter! Readings from Robert Fulghum and a special ritual highlight the importance of play in human evolution and development.​

January 10, 2019

"Exploring Some Historic Imperatives of Liberal Religion”

A talk given at the Atheist, Humanist, Agnostic Meeting held on 1/10/2019 in the Common Room.

Ron Knapp, Minister Emeritus


There are some historical imperatives that run through the history of liberal religion. It seems that they are in decline in contemporary Unitarian Universalism. I have fears that if we continue to neglect these imperatives, Unitarian Universalism may cease to exist in the 21st century.

January 06, 2019

"Resting in Mystery"

Rev. Dr. Jean Heriot

Facebook, Instagram, Podcasts, Twitter, Google Alerts— many of us find these temptations endless and the promises of knowledge and entertainment engulfing. And yet, this lifestyle often doesn’t live up to the hype. Sometimes walking in the woods, playing with children, or singing in a choir brings home to us the knowledge that our lives are deeper and more mysterious than we acknowledge. We will explore together practices and ways of being that encourage us to dwell in this mysterious world of being: a world beyond our electronic selves, a world of mystery, awe, and joy.

December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

A traditional Christmas Eve service filled with music, singing, and candlelight.  The Choir and the Early Morning Risers will perform. The nursery will be closed to give our workers time with their families. After the service, please join us in the Common Room for cookies and conversation. 

December 09, 2018

“First UU Communion”

Rev. Royal Carleton

Join us as we take turns feeding each other what we are hungry for. This is not a traditional communion, and honors our UU principles and other world religions.

November 18, 2018

“The Stories We Tell”

Rev. Michelle LaGrave


Holidays are made for storytelling. For this Thanksgiving service, we'll hear stories as they might be told from the perspective of both the Wampanoags and the Pilgrims. What do these stories say about who we are and how we understand ourselves and our history? 

November 11, 2018

“Armistice Day Celebration”


It has been 100 years since the end of World War I, the “war to end all wars.” We will honor those who gave their lives in all wars, celebrate our veterans, and share our hope for peace.

November 04, 2018

"On Memory"

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

What does it mean to remember or to be remembered?  What happens when memories differ? Whose

memories can be relied upon? What might this mean for the way we understand our history and ourselves? Is memory a virtue?

October 28, 2018

"All Hallows"

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

What are souling, guising, and mumming?  And how are Samhain, Job, Vampires, the Christian Church, a group of scientists-turned-ghosts, and a fellow named Jack related to each other?  This morning's service will be a fun exploration of the intersections of folklore and Christianity.

October 21, 2018

"Teach-In One"

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Over the last year or two, the phrase "a culture of white supremacy" has been discussed frequently within UU circles.  These are hard words to hear.  What exactly is a culture of white supremacy?  How insidious is it?  How do we begin to even think about dismantling it?  How can we ensure this congregation feels like a sanctuary for all?  This morning, First Unitarian will join the ranks of over 600 UU congregations who have dedicated one or more Sunday services to holding a "Teach-In." Simultaneously, the children and youth will be learning about racism in their Religious Education classes.  

October 14, 2018

"Radical Hospitality"

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Radical Hospitality is a spiritual practice that requires an inward shift of the self to welcome in the other.  How can we engage this practice in our UU congregations?

October 07, 2018

"Whose Values are Guiding Us?”

Ben Wallace, church member

We will examine and question how the values of our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition call us to work as a congregation in serving those inside and outside our walls.

September 30, 2018

"A Celebration of the Centennial of the Dedication of our Building"

This service honors the dedication of the First Unitarian Church of Omaha which took place on September 29, 1918.  We will honor our past and the people who built the fires by which we are warmed, and dug the wells from which we drink.  We will also have an eye to the future and those who will continue the traditions and values we hold dear. Several “visitors” from our past will speak to us on this auspicious occasion.  Speakers include former President William Howard Taft, Board member Sarah Joslyn, stalwart leader of the Women’s Alliance, Grace Holdrege and Alan McDonald, the architect of our beloved building. The service will also feature music and other elements from the original dedication service, in addition to some more contemporary elements. 

September 23, 2018

"The Ties That Bind:  A Former None’s Perspective on Unitarian Universalism”

Mike McAtee, church member

What are the things at the heart of Unitarian Universalism that make us a religion and not just a place for the promotion of social justice and the free expression of the world’s faith traditions?

September 16, 2018

"To Forgive or Not to Forgive"

Rev. Michelle LaGrave

Are we obligated to forgive those who have harmed us?  Why or why not?  What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of choosing to forgive or not to forgive?  Let's explore these questions together as we bear witness to the Jewish celebration of the High Holy Days.

September 09, 2018

"Welcome Home" 

Rev. Michelle LaGrave and Jan Wilson, DRE

New and longtime members, visitors and friends alike, join us as we gather from hither and yon to celebrate an annual UU tradition--water communion.  Please bring a small amount of water symbolizing a gift you received this summer and would like to pass on to others.  (Extra water will be available, just in case.)  This will be a multi-generational service.

September 02, 2018

"Vision 2020"

Rev. Michelle LaGrave, Interim Minister

An interim period can be an exciting and vibrant time in the life of a congregation; a time when a congregation gains clarity about its vision of itself and its future. Our new interim minister, Rev. Michelle, will be preaching for the first time. Come to hear her thoughts on the journey onward - 'till 2020!

August 26, 2018

“What Does Creativity Mean (to me)?”

Dr. Patricia Soto 

What do gene editing, the smoothness of the surface of an aircraft and the delicate sponginess of fresh bread  have in common? I would share my thoughts on how creativity threads human expressions, from the arts to physical sciences.

August 19, 2018

"The Web of Life: Spending Time with Robert Weston”

Rev. Ron Knapp, Minister Emeritus

I have had some illustrious predecessors as minister of First Unitarian Church.  I think of one of them, Robert Weston, as being the “Unitarian Poet Laureate” of the twentieth century.

August 12, 2018

“Fixing Our Relationship with Dying”

Megan Gustafson

Once upon a time, Death used to be accepted as a  normal part of life. Now that we have come to view Death as an enemy, everything is out of balance. How do we get it back?

Video to be shown during the service:

August 05, 2018

“Unitarian Universalist Justice in the Middle East”

Sharon Conlon

Sharon went to East Jerusalem and the West Bank last year—70 years of conflict! Learn how UU congregations all over the US are actively working for justice in Palestine/Israel through Unitarian Universalist Justice in the Middle East (UUJME) chapters. Sharon will discuss working with the UU Church of Lincoln to start a NE state-wide chapter.

July 29, 2018

"My Evolving Prayer Practice”

Ed Kelly Jr.

I will share how my practice of “prayer” has changed from the loud fiery Pentecostal hooping to the quiet relaxing moments of humanistic reflection.  I will also share two poems from my two favorite poets on prayer, Czeslae Milsez and Mary Oliver.

July 22, 2018

“Rumi Today?”

Rev. Sheila Mee

Is there anything that a Sufi mystic who lived and died in the 13th century could possible say to those living in the 21st century? We will explore some options.

July 15, 2018

"Medicine, Then and Now”

John Goldner

Henry Lemon Sermon

I will include some of my memories of Dr. Lemon and give a perspective of how medicine has changed in the last 60 years. There will be some stories.

July 08, 2018

“Supporting the Spiritually Disabled”

Rev. Sarah Voss

Rev. Voss takes a look at those who are disabled and those who are “spiritually” disabled and what kinds of support the church can provide.

July 01, 2018

“Ron Knapp’s Theory of Everything”

 Rev. Ron Knapp, Minister Emeritus 

Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking both spent a lifetime working on what is called a unified field theory, or, in popular parlance, “a theory of everything.” In a way, so have I. Einstein and Hawking did not find theirs. I found mine!

June 24, 2018

The Gospel According to UU

Collin Hatcher

June 17, 2018

"Forgive Yourself, Don't Compete With Yourself"

Rev. Royal Carleton

Rev. Royal Carleton will remind us that healthy competition is a part of our cultural DNA, and can lead to lower self-esteem and lower self-confidence. Not everything in life is about winning.

June 10, 2018

"Balancing Divinity"

Kate Wiig

Jonathan Haidt writes in both of his books (The Happiness Hypothesis and The Righteous Mind) about three separate ethical viewpoints: The Ethic of Autonomy, The Ethic of Community, and The Ethic of Divinity. Like any good Unitarian, I want it all. I’d like to explore how we can balance the three.

June 03, 2018

Flower Communion

Through our differences we come together to form a beautiful garden. This diversity will help our congregation overcome any challenges or changes coming our way. Everyone is encouraged to bring a flower to exchange.

May 27, 2018


Rev. Frank Rivas (his last service at First Unitarian Church)

The need to bless is primal.

May 20, 2018

Annual Choir Concert

The First Unitarian Choir, under the direction of William Miller, invites you to attend our 2018 annual concert. The Choir will present a variety of choral works illustrating the profound impact music has on our lives. The human experience of joy, elation, hope, friendship, loss and so many others are expressed through a stirring mix of pieces, each hand selected to illustrate our innate desire to connect as human beings through song. The prelude and postlude will be offered by organist, Pat Will and the choir is accompanied by J Gawf. Come see the hard work of each individual, who gives of their time to sing in the choir and share the gifts which help all of us rise to a higher plane.

May 13, 2018

Ye Olde YRUU Service

The combined youth of First and Second Unitarian churches will share their experiences this year for a special Mother’s Day service.

May 06, 2018

“Eden, Nebraska 681∞”

Rev. Frank Rivas

Maybe, just maybe, we have everything we need.

April 29, 2018

Church Member Ed Kelly's sermon

Rev. Ed Kelly, church member, preaches a sermon.

April 22, 2018

CUUPS Earth Day

Our Seventh Principle calls us to celebrate and protect the interdependent web of life. Join Mystic Sojourn CUUPS in a service of celebration, reflection and renewal in honor of Earth Day.  

April 15, 2018

“Let Us Now Praise Famous Women”

Rev. Frank Rivas

Great leaders sometimes make a difference, but it’s women and men whose names will never be in history books who carry us safely from generation to generation. 

April 08, 2018

"I Wrestled a God Once"

Collin  Hatcher

Jewish scriptures tell the story of Jacob wrestling with God and gaining the name Israel. Perhaps we are not much different.

April 01, 2018


Rev. Frank Rivas

What if the story of resurrection was never intended to be taken literally?

March 25, 2018

“The Fleshiness of the Sacred”

Rev. Frank Rivas

The sacred is not separate at all from this wondrous, mortal flesh.

March 18, 2018

“Reform Shul”

Rev. Frank Rivas

Most of us think of the Reformation as something that happened in the 16th century, but if religion is to survive, we must constantly be in the process of reform.

March 11, 2018

“Why Partnership Matters"

Rev. Roger Bertschausen,  Executive Director of the Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council

A sermon to complete our Partner Church ReFresh weekend. Goals for the weekend are to engage more members and friends, of all ages, of the First Unitarian Church community in the church’s partnership relationship and to create a wide variety of strategies to refresh and re-energize this relationship. 

March 04, 2018

“Counting Our Blessings”

Rev. Frank Rivas

We are an extraordinary church community, and we need to commit ourselves to extraordinary ministry.

February 18, 2018

"My Brother's Keeper"

Rev. Frank Rivas

Religion is not an individual endeavor, but a relational one.  Whether we choose to accept this reality will determine the future of religion in general and of our church in particular.

February 11, 2018

“Arnold Schoenberg and his Colors of the Wind”

Kabin Thomas, Church Member

We have to live our truth. We must express what's in our heart, even if it costs us our friends, our job, and our reputation. But we cannot forget to remain grounded while we do so. Otherwise, we will go nuts.  This sermon touches upon my days as a professor of music at the Univ of Arkansas, by combining the music of Arnold Schoenberg's String Quartet No 2, Mvt IV, Entrückung, sehr langsam (Rapture, very slow) and the theme song "Colors of the Wind," from Disney's animated feature, "Pocahontas."  By the end of this sermon you'll feel the air from different planets.

February 10, 2018

Memorial Service for Dean Christensen

February 04, 2018


Rev. Frank Rivas

A sermon on the dangers of groupthink. 

January 28, 2018

“What Springs Spontaneous from the Holy Heart”

Rev. Frank Rivas

Religion doesn’t add anything to our lives. Rather, religion helps us to eliminate beliefs that no longer work and to face the unknown.

January 21, 2018

“The Only Constant"


Rev. Frank Rivas

My dog appreciates walking in the same park every day. Human beings aren’t wired the same way.  A sermon about change.

January 14, 2018

“Celebrating the 450th Anniversary of the Act of Religious Tolerance and Freedom of Conscience”

Partner Church Team

At this service First Unitarian Church will celebrate the 450th  anniversary of the Act of Religious Tolerance and Freedom of Conscience. On January 1568, in Torda, Transylvania (now Romania), King Janos Zsigmond (John Sigismund, the only Unitarian king in history) proclaimed the Edict of Torda which declares freedom of religion and conscience. We will be joining many other UU churches who are also celebrating this important event.

January 07, 2018

​“What Lies at the Historic Core of Liberal Religion”

Rev. Ronald Knapp, Minister Emeritus

Perhaps, as we enter a new year, this might be a good time to explore the historic values that resulted in Unitarian Universalism.

December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

“Lessons and Carols”

An inter-generational celebration of miracle and wonder. This service features the First Unitarian Choir and the Early Morning Risers. 

December 17, 2017

“A Time for Sanctuary”

Come hear members of our community speak on Sanctuary and why it is needed.

December 10, 2017

"Seasonal Cycles, Inside Out"

Rev. Frank Rivas

As the natural world adjusts to dark and cold, so does our inner world. Learning to dance the changes.

December 03, 2017

Belonging: A Generation of "Nones"

 with Sally Fritsche

What does it mean to belong to a church community? Join us to learn about this seminarian's experience as an atheist and lifelong UU, and grapple with the question of what it means to join a religion.

About the speaker: Sally Fritsche is a lifelong UU from Columbia Missouri, in her third year at Harvard Divinity School. She is studying to be ordained as a minister, and is considering a call to college campus chaplaincy. Since graduating from Grinnell College in 2013, she has worked as a chaplain, a nonprofit organizer, and a summer camp director. During the school year, she spends time leading UU history tours for visiting youth, and taking naps in the library. She is excited for these next few years in the Boston area, and for the future of our faith community.

November 26, 2017

"Waking Up White”  

Kim Dunovan                                   

Waking up to my own story of race and how my white skin changed the trajectory of my life, with some reflections on what it means to see more of the world.

November 19, 2017

“Crazy Enough to Give Thanks”

Rev. Frank Rivas

A Thanksgiving message for difficult times.

November 12, 2017

“Cookies, Meth, and Authentic Renewal”

Rev. Frank Rivas

Where church and state can nurture one another.

November 05, 2017


Rev. Frank Rivas

An appreciation of the polarities of human existence has been articulated in religious documents from every tradition.  How do we find balance in a time of terrorism?

October 22, 2017

“An Uncommon Marriage”

Rev. Frank Rivas

How to survive the merger of Unitarians and Universalists.  A sermon more than five decades in the making.

October 15, 2017


Rev. Frank Rivas

Gilgamesh, a Sumerian myth recorded circa 2000 bce, offers a profound perspective on the human condition.

October 08, 2017

The Promise of Unitarian Universalism: My Life Matters

Connie Simon, guest preacher from Meadville Lombard Theological School, is the first in a new series, “New Voice of Liberal Religion.”

At General Assembly this year, thousands of Unitarian Universalists pledged their support for pursuing racial justice and embracing people of all ethnicities, gender identities and neural abilities. Are we finally ready to live fully and completely into our principles?

October 07, 2017

Service Of Remembrance:  Barbara Ross  

October 01, 2017

“26% of Americans Do Not Believe in God”

Sermon by Rev. Frank Rivas

Researchers at the University of Kentucky tried to identify what people really believe, not what they claim to believe. The results were surprising. How do Unitarian Universalists respond to this information?

September 17, 2017

Service of Memory and Hope

With Rev. Frank 

September 03, 2017

Bathing the Wounds of a Broken World: A Unitarian Universalist Water Blending Ceremony

Throughout history, water has been seen as both symbol of and pathway to healing, wellness, and tranquility.  Please consider how you might take action to bring those much needed qualities forth in these unstable times. If you choose, please bring a draught of water symbolizing how you plan to help bathe our common wounds.

August 27, 2017

“Loess Is More”

Rev. Frank Rivas

The contemplative life calls us to live our reality,  complete with Loess Hills.  It is from this experience of abundance that we act most effectively in the world.  

August 13, 2017

"What About Jesus?"

Rev. Ed Kelly Jr.

Since I migrated out of the Fundamentalist camp of Evangelical Christianity in 2009, I have been asked numerous times “yes, Ed, but what about Jesus?”  “Where does Jesus fit in your new faith?” In this lecture I will answer that question by a historical look at the Jewish roots of Jesus

July 30, 2017

“Life Lessons on the Appalachian Trail”

Rev. Sheila Mee


During a recent section hike of the Appalachian Trail, I encountered several reminders of universal life lessons.

July 23, 2017

“Liberating the Divine in All of Us”

Katrina Schmidt 

​Faith acceptance allows for greater spiritual, emotional, and intellectual growth.

July 16, 2017

“The Primary of Perception”

Rev. Ron Knapp, Minister Emeritus 

We do not live in the world as it is but as it appears to us to be.

July 09, 2017

Flower Communion

Two weeks ago, our church service featured a presentation from the play, “Steel Magnolias.”  It was chosen as a celebration of the power Beloved Community has to help us in times of difficulty. Our congregation is like a garden; lush, intertwined, and resilient. The roots of our community support and  sustain us when we are wilting. This summer’s Flower Communion will create an opportunity to remember and share gratitude for those roots that have held us close.

July 02, 2017

“Four Cardinal Virtues”

​Rev. Ron Knapp

In this sermon I will explore some ideas presented by Robert Kaufman in The Faith Of A Heretic.

June 18, 2017

“What Happened to God-the-Father”

Rev. Sarah Voss

Sarah Voss, retired UU minister and a member of this church, preaches this Father's Day.  Her sermon includes a personal reflection on "What Happened to God-the-Father." Rev. Voss will look at what we've gained and what we've lost in our UU faith tradition as we've worked over the years to become more inclusive in our practice.​

June 11, 2017

"Our Religion, Our Community, Our Joy and Our Work"

"Our Religion, Our Community, Our Joy and Our Work"

Maria Wallace

A reflection and introspection on my ten (and a half) years as a Unitarian Universalist. Why do we choose to sign the book? Do we live our principles? What did we choose to be a part of? What do we want to accomplish together?

June 04, 2017


Rev. Frank Rivas

The Harvard Business Review, in a study of the effectiveness of “strategic-business-unit leadership teams,” suggested that the ideal ratio of positive to negative feedback is 5.6:1.  Who would have guessed that people need recognition?  The study may also apply to families and to churches. 

May 28, 2017

“Faith, Guilt, and Marketing for Unitar”

Henry Lemon Sermon by Kate Wiig

I've grown up as a humanist Unitarian Universalist in this very church. My personal search for truth has been chaotic, circuitous, and guilt ridden.

The Henry Lemon Memorial Sermon: The late Dr. Henry Lemon, esteemed member of our congregation, once observed that: "There is as least one good sermon in each of us." To honor Dr. Lemon’s words, the annual Henry Lemon Memorial Sermon is presented by a member of the congregation.

May 21, 2017

Annual Choir Concert

The First Unitarian choir, under the direction of William Miller, will present a variety of pieces sung since September. The anthems, chosen by choir member votes, represent a varied spectrum of messages and music types. The gifts of friendship, love, perseverance and forgiveness are just a few of the themes represented in the selections. The prelude and postlude will be offered by organist, Pat Will. Come support your exceptionally talent First U musicians.

May 14, 2017

Youth & Community

The YRUU youth of both congregations will lead a worship service focused on building community. It'll be fun & interactive—bring your family and get to know our YRUU youth!

May 07, 2017

"Our Deep Gladness and the World’s Deep Hunger” 

Sunday, May 7 at 10:30am

"Our Deep Gladness and the World’s Deep Hunger” 
Rev. Frank Rivas

A post-workshop reflection on our gifts, the world’s needs, and our shared calling.

April 30, 2017

Sunday, April 30 at 10:30am
“The Clock is Ticking”
Kabin Thomas

We have been given a cruel gift called life. The cruelty is knowing it is going to end. Why don't we want to talk about our inevitable end? This sermon explores that question.

March 12, 2017

“Making Room”

Sunday, March 12 at 10:30am

“Making Room”

Rev. Meghann Robern

In periods of high anxiety and stress, it's an automatic reaction for us to focus on ourselves and our immediate dependents. How can we embrace truly loving ourselves as a path into building the beloved community, even when times are hard?

February 26, 2017

“Bone Button Borscht: A Tale of Community”

Inter-generational service 

February 12, 2017


February 12
Sunday Service at 10:30am


Rev. Frank Rivas

German Pietists, our Reformation forebears, spoke with amazing accuracy about the religious response to times like ours.

​Music: The Early Morning Risers with Stan Harper 

February 05, 2017

“The Defiant Power of the Human Spirit"

Sunday, February 5 at 10:30am (sermon only)
“The Defiant Power of the Human Spirit"
Ron Knapp, Minister Emeritus

There are several books which, over the years, have helped to shape my religious thinking. One of them is Man's Search For Meaning--originally titled From Death Camp To Existentialism--by Viktor Frankl. I will share some of his insights.

Music: The First Unitarian Choir led by William Miller; Elizabeth Kelly, accompanist; Pat Will, organist.

January 29, 2017

"Optimism: How to Achieve Peace, Liberty, and Justice for All"

Sunday, January 29 at 10:30am

"Optimism: How to Achieve Peace, Liberty, and Justice for All"
Amy Miller, Legal Director of the Nebraska ACLU
Presented by guest speaker Amy Miller. Amy is the Legal Director of the Nebraska ACLU and a member of Lincoln Unitarian Church.  Music: The First Unitarian Choir led by William Miller; Elizabeth Kelly, accompanist; Pat Will, organist.

January 22, 2017

“The State of the Union”

Sunday, January 22 at 10:30am

“The State of the Union”
Rev. Frank Rivas

How do we heal a divided nation? How do separate image from reality?  Religion (derived from roots that mean “binding back together”) offers some guidance.  Music:  The Early Morning Risers with Stan Harper.​

January 15, 2017

“This Moment, Now”

Sunday, January 15 at 10:30am (joined at the Chalice Lighting)

“This Moment, Now”
Rev. Frank Rivas

My Buddhist dog continues to teach me to live in the present.  With her permission, I will share a canine approach to mindfulness.  Music: The First Unitarian Choir led by William Miller; accompanist: Elizabeth Kelly; organist: Pat Will.​

December 18, 2016

“A Light in the Darkness”

Sunday, December 18 at 10:00am

“A Light in the Darkness”

Rev. Frank Rivas

Christmas doesn't always arrive at our most joyful hour, but it often arrives when we need it most.  So it was in the birth narrative.  Political oppression and personal struggle combined to make great joy unlikely.  Music: The First Unitarian Choir led by William Miller; Elizabeth Kelly, accompanist; Pat Will, organist

December 11, 2016

Sunday, December 11

Rev. Royal Carleton

“Commune. Union. Unity. Communion. Sacred.”

I am honored and grateful to be able to share the service on the 11th of December. Words matter and I understand some words and rituals are safer for some than they are for others. I recently returned from a trip to see family in  Albuquerque and I return to my beloved community to share a gathering, formed at our table, in our church that will allow each person to help feed the next what they are hungry for. Especially in days and times like this, being together in a community that is safer, in a community that is understanding, and in a community that provides refuge from those things that prevent us from being our best selves, is important.  Please join me on December 11th for  a very special day. 

Music: The Early Morning Risers with Stan Harper.

November 27, 2016

Water Ceremony

This year's water ceremony will focus on sharing intentions for our beloved community. Please bring a small amount of water to add to our communal basin during the ceremony itself. (Water will be provided for those who forget and visitors. ) This inter-generational service is offered by  Mystic Sojourn CUUPS. 

Music: The Early Morning Risers with Stan Harper 

Please note: sound begins 6 minutes into video. 

October 23, 2016

“Getting Out of Your Own Way”

What can you do?  What have you done? What do you want to do?  What haven't you done? And what is stopping you.? Let's talk about you.

Rev. Royal Carleton

October 02, 2016

“Justice, the Other Name of Love”

Too often we define religion by unprovable beliefs, but the great religious leaders showed little interest in such beliefs.  They spoke of how we treat the lives around us.
Rev. Frank Rivas

September 25, 2016

“Our Church”

Reflecting on “Our Town,” Rev. Frank reminds us of what lies at the foundation of our faith community.
Rev. Frank Rivas

September 18, 2016

“Our Town”

Theatre often moves us to a moment of profound insight.  We begin this church year with Act III of Thornton Wilder’s Our Town.  Barb Ross is both the Stage Manager and the director.  A memorable way to begin a new church year!

The First Unitarian Players

September 11, 2016

“Welcome Home”

An intergenerational service that focuses on the importance of community in story and song.

Jan Wilson and Frank Rivas

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